Consejo Profesional de Relaciones Públicas de la República Argentina (CPRPA)
Professional Council of Public Relations of Argentina
Av. Pueyrredón 1089 Piso 1º, C1118AAA Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: +541149636901 - Fax: +541149636901 - Website - Facebook - Twitter - Youtube -
For almost 50 years now, the Consejo Profesional de Relaciones Públicas de la República Argentina [Professional Association of Public Relations in The Argentine Republic] has been the Public Relations referent in the country.It gathers the professionals in the field, sets ethical standards, safeguards professionalism, promotes the profession research and development in the market, and protects the interests of its members.
The Association has a Code of Ethics for individual members and for Consultancies.
Number of members: 657
There are two membership categories:
Individual members
Individual members are divided into two groups
Active Member: University degree in Public Relations or Communications, or 5 years of continuous professional experience
Associate Member: PR or Communications student or less than 5 year experience in the field
Consulting Firms
Consulting firms are divided into two categories: Active Consulting Firms and Associate Consulting Firms, and then into large, medium and small firms for the purpose of monthly fees.
Associação Brasileira de Comunicação Empresarial (ABERJE)
Brazilian Association for Business Communication
Rua Amália de Noronha, 151 -6º andar – 05410-010 São Paulo - SP, Brazil
Phone: + 55 (11) 5627-9090 - Fax: +551136623990 - Website - Facebook - Twitter - LinkedIn - YouTube - Instagram
Aberje is a non-profit, non-partisan professional and scientific organization. Its pillars are advocacy (strengthening the role of Communication in companies and institutions), career and recognition (training and development of professionals), and content (producing and disseminating knowledge).
Founded in 1967, Aberje develops research, strategic studies, and publications on Communication, offers training courses and events, promotes exchanges of knowledge among members, and recognizes the best practices and professionals in the area.
Aberje’s performance goes beyond the Brazilian territory by taking part in boards of international institutions such as Fundacom, Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management, and Arthur W. Page Society, positioning itself as a think tank for Brazilian Business Communication.
DuocUC Fundación Instituto Profesional (DuocUC)
DuocUC Professional Institute Foundation
Eliodoro Yañez 1595 Piso 12, Providencia, 7500662 Santiago, Chile
Phone: +56 02 24540224 - Website - Facebook - Twitter - LinkedIn - Youtube
Duoc UC Public Relations and Marketing
Professional profile:
Duoc UC forms professionals that are able to design, implement and evaluate a relational communication plan. Consequently, this professional is able to create, develop and evaluate strategies and specific actions of institutional communication, in order to convey corporate messages, intended to harmonize the interests of a company, with the expectations of their public, gaining acceptance and social valuation of the organization and business sustainability.
These professionals are trained to work in:
- Public Relations department
- Public affairs
- Communications
- Marketing
- Human Resources
- Corporate Social Responsibility of private and public companies
- Government agencies
- Social and cultural organizations
They can also join the professional staff of PR agencies, marketing, advertising, corporate communications and event producers, as well as the free exercise of the profession.
Intermediate Academic Certificate
The curriculum allows students to obtain different certifications:
1.Certificate in marketing and audiences.
2. Certificate in event organizing.
3. Certificate in personal image.
4. Certificate in corporate contingency.
5. Certificate in event production.
6. Certificate in development and innovation.
7. Certificate in corporate protocol.
8. Certificate in strategic research.
9. Certificate in strategy and management.
10. Certificate in image management.
San Carlos de Apoquindo, Santiago
Viña del Mar
San Andrés, Concepción
Asociación Mexicana de Profesionales de Relaciones Públicas (PRORP)
Mexican Association of Public Relations Professionals
Luis Carracci 120, 03740 Mexico, D.F, Mexico - Website - Twitter - Facebook - LinkedIn - Youtube
PRORP, Asociación Mexicana de Profesionales en Relaciones Públicas, organismo que reúne a todos los profesionales dedicados a la disciplina de RRPP en México.
Universidad de San Martín de Porres (USMP)
University of San Martín de Porres
Jr. Las Calandrias, 151 Santa Anita, Lima 43, Peru
Phone: 511 5136300 - Fax: 511 513 6300 ext. 2063 - Website - Facebook - Twitter
La Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación, Turismo y Psicología de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres | USMP, imparte educación universitaria de carácter profesional y con la más alta excelencia académica.
Liderada por su decano, Dr. Johan Leuridan Huys la Facultad alberga tres Escuelas Profesionales: Ciencias de la Comunicación, Turismo y Hotelería, y Psicología.
Te invitamos a ser parte de nuestra gran comunidad estudiantil y cumplir tus sueños profesionales en la Universidad de San Martín de Porres.
Formar profesionales con elevado nivel académico y sólidos valores éticos, capaces de desempeñarse eficientemente en los campos de su especialidad; contribuir, mediante la investigación, al desarrollo y difusión de la ciencia, la tecnología y la cultura; y proyectar nuestra acción a la comunidad a fin de propiciar la construcción de una sociedad moderna, equitativa e integrada.
Universidad de Medellín - Facultad de Comunicación
Universidad de Medellín - Facultad de Comunicación
Carrera 87 N° 30 - 65 Medellín - Colombia
Phone: +5743405555 - Website - Facebook - Twitter - Instagram
Universidad del Norte - Programa de Comunicación Social y Periodismo
Universidad del Norte - Programa de Comunicación Social y Periodismo
KM 5 via Puerto Colombia – Barranquilla - Colombia
Phone: (57) (5) 3509509 - Website - Facebook - Twitter - Instagram