Global Alliance Ethics Month 2025 – Webinar

Webinar: What Responsibilities Do Communication Leaders Hold in Today's Globalized, Polarized, And Complex World? A Global Perspective on New Leadership Responsibilities. 

Date: 12 February 2025

Time: 2-3pm GMT/ 3-4pm CET

The role of the Chief Communications Officer is evolving and expanding (Observatory on Corporate Reputation-OCR, 2024), encompassing many more functions and tasks than those traditionally associated with communication. This has led to the emergence of the term 'CCO-plus" to refer to the professional responsibilities of today’s communication leaders. Similarly, the latest ECM 2024 indicates an increasing pro-occupation by CCOs of their organization’s environment which is often described as overly complex, and characterized by geopolitical tensions and conflicts, and the omnipresence of artificial intelligence.

In this panel, we plan to share insights from latest studies on communication leaders around the world and discuss the following questions:

  • Is acting ethically and according to the international code of conduct sufficient to meet stakeholder expectations?

  • Should communication leaders have a responsibility, and if so, what responsibility, in helping societies strive for democracy, stability, and trust?

  • What role do leaders have in questions related to sustainability, the environment and broader social issues? And how are they supporting their organizations’ achieving goals related to these issues?

Main takeaways:

The speakers will offer insights on the following topics:

  • how communication leaders are navigating societal and stakeholder pressures to champion democracy, stability, and trust

  • why trust is now at the heart of managing organizational objectives in complex scenarios

  • what those ethical concerns over communication practices on social media based on professionals in North America are

  • The impact of Gen AI, the concerns and benefits, and what communication leaders can do

  • Training is needed but dated. What are the training needs in coping with ethical challenges?

  • why communication leaders are pivotal in tackling sustainability, environmental, and social issues, but need the support of partners and suppliers to truly make an impact.

Speakers’ bios (in alphabetical order)

Marco Herrera is a consultant in strategic communication, change management, and digital transformation; a researcher for the Latin American Communications Monitor; and Vice President of Reputational Risk at the Mexican Association of Integrity and Compliance (AMEXICOM). He served as a President of the Mexican Public Relations Association (PRORP), was a member of the worldwide Research Committee at the Institute for Public Relations (IPR), and participated in the group that developed the Stockholm Communication Accords in Global Alliance. He holds a degree in Advertising, a master’s in strategic communication, and has completed diplomas in Strategic Political Analysis, Public Policy Design, Political and Electoral Communication, and Change Management.

Elina Melgin, Ph.D., is Professor of Practice of the University of Vaasa’s School of Marketing and Communication, Finland. She is also Adjunct Professor of the University of Turku, Finland. She served as a Manging Director of ProCom, the Finnish Communication Professional Association, for 17 years, representing the communications industry both in Finland and internationally. After stepping down in autumn 2022, she became an entrepreneur and senior advisor for various organizations, including T-Media, a leading Finnish company focused on reputation and strategic consulting. In 2022, she received the ProCom award “Elämäntyöpalkinto” (trans. Lifetime Achievement Award) for her life-long career in communication.

Juan Meng, Ph.D., is the Georgia Athletic Association Endowed Professor and Head of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Georgia. Her research focuses on public relations leadership, diversity, and global communication. Dr. Meng has published over 75 refereed journal articles and book chapters, and has presented at numerous panels and symposiums. She serves on editorial advisory boards for leading public relations journals and has received various research awards. Dr. Meng is on the national advisory board of The Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations and the Institute for Public Relations. She is an elected member of the Arthur W. Page Society and received the 2023 Institute of Public Relations Pathfinder Award for her contributions to public relations.

Chiara Valentini, Ph.D., is a Professor and Head of Corporate Communication Discipline, at Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics (JSBE), Finland, and Adjunct Professorship in Strategic Communication at IULM University, Milan, Italy. Dr. Valentini is the author of numerous peer-reviewed publications and books in strategic public relations, public and government communication, and crisis communication in the digital environment. Her work has appeared in several international peer-reviewed journals, and has authored and co-authored over hundreds of scholarly works.


Kia Haring, Responsible Communication: Ethics First Month Chair