The GA answers calls for a new global code of ethics
Several organizations have called for a new global code of ethics. Additionally, Richard Edelman called on associations to create a coalition to establish a PR Compact to address new demands on ethical standards for the PR industry.
In response, the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management states:
-As the only confederation that gathers the world's major PR and communication management associations and institutions, representing 160,000 practitioners and academics around the world, we would like to offer our leadership to start a global conversation that will involve many voices, both academic and professionals from around the world.
-The Global Alliance is happy to announce that we are willing to convene an ethics summit as soon as possible. Invitations will be sent to a broad range of organisations, some of them are already GA members, to discuss how to build on the current global code of ethics, introduced by the GA in 2002.
-Since 2002, this Global Code of Ethics has been ratified by all our members, from New Zealand to Spain, from China to the UK, from the United States to Argentina, from Canada to Chile, from Sweden to South Africa, across all five continents. It is one of the building blocks we should consider. We need to take another look at this global code in light of recent developments. Recent suggestions by ICCO and Richard Edelman, as well as our own work on a Global Capabilities, need to be examined.
- The Global Alliance is ready to lead and be part of the conversation. It is our hope and wish that we can come together to update codes to a new global standard upheld by a broad coalition of public relations associations. The next World Public Relations Forum in Oslo in April 2018 offers an ideal forum to launch a new global code of ethics. The WPRF will gather hundreds public relations and communication professionals from around the world to examine major issues affecting the profession.
Ethics has become a key ‘top of mind’ issue. Let us work together.
On behalf of the Global Alliance Board of Directors
Jose Manuel Velasco