Opening Address World Public Relations Forum 2024 – Bali, Indonesia by Prof. Justin Green, President & CEO of Global Alliance

Opening Address by President & CEO Global Alliance Prof. Justin Green

World Public Relations Forum, Bali, Indonesia

20 November 2024 –

Ladies and Gentlemen, distinguished guests from around the world, whether you have travelled from near or far, from those of you who travelled from North American, Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, Latin American, Africa and of course Asia-Pacific. A very special warm welcome, to those of you at home here in Indonesia. I am delighted to have this wonderful opportunity to address you here this morning.

On behalf of Global Alliance, representing over 360 thousand Practitioners, Academics, Students and Organizations across 126 countries, I want to begin by thanking Sir. Boy (who’s a Giant of a Man), and all his colleagues from our co-hosts Perhumas, the Indonesia Public Relations Association.

For more than 50 years now, they have promoted the highest professional standards and brought together outstanding people.

I also want to acknowledge a special thanks to our CAO Mateus, and all the board directors of Global Alliance for their huge dedication, passion and time they all give voluntarily to the organization. But most importantly, I want to thank you, each and every one of you here today, our members for your continued support.

As without you, Global Alliance would be nothing.

One of the greatest and proudest changes I have seen through my time as President, has been our organization’s growth, and it becoming truly global.

Last year, we held the World Public Relations Forum in India. Recently, we’ve hosted AGM’s in Peru, Turkey, Zambia and Kenya. One of Global Alliance’s greatest successes, was establishing our six Regional Councils and offices around the world.

While also, increasing our Board Directors from 12 to 29 members, whereby becoming a much more inclusive organisation, truly reflecting who we represent. We have held thousands of programmes and engagements around the world, and increased our global membership by over 200%.

Lunched the first, On-line History of Public Relations of our members, in partnership with The Museum of Public Relations in New York. Established the Academic and Research Council, setting new global professional standards, certifying training programmes, and Accrediting international Organisations and Universities.

This year, we released major global research including our 2024 editions of both ‘Approaching The Future,’ and ‘PR & Communication Trends and Insights, from Around The World.’ And most importantly, we produced and adopted the ‘Principles for Ethical and Responsible use of Artificial Intelligence.’

We have supported our members with over (€3m) three million euro worth of free Education, Training and Development programmes.

And launched the world’s first ‘Public Relations and Leadership University,’ in partnership with the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations. Who have also travelled to be with us, here today. We thank you.

So you see, Education, Training and Development pumps the blood of Global Alliance, it means so much too so many.

Combined with your communication knowledge and strategies, through Education, you have enhanced the lives of billions of people around the world.

And all these achievements happen at a time when…Never before has Public Relations and Communications been more important.

We have the power to change the world – YOU have the power to change the world!

We are among the most powerful influencers in the world, we are seated on the right hand of Prime Ministers, Religious leaders, Kings, Queens, Presidents, and alongside NGO’s and global CEO’s in every sector, in creating and delivering compelling messages to their audiences.

We are the voice of those who can’t speak out.

We are the conscious of major industry and Governments.

We are the guardians of climate change.

We are the police of wrong doing.

But most importantly together, together we fright for equality and justice for all.

We are meeting this week at an incredibly important time, not only for our profession, but also for our world.

Indonesia, recently you held own elections. While just over two weeks ago, the U.S. had a hugely important Presidential election after a very divisive campaign. Every day we see new horror stories from war-zones and mass migration, as people flee desperate circumstances.

We also know the climate emergency threatens to become, or has already become a humanitarian crisis. A common thread across these world news stories is rampant dis-and-misinformation.

It has never been more challenging to separate ‘fact from fiction.’

Technologies like AI has heighten the risk of people being misled, with potentially huge consequences.

Now, there are two ways to look at this turbulence. It can be tempting to run and hide, but at Global Alliance we don’t Run or Hide. We stand up, and fight-back against so-called ‘fake news’ in all its forms.

For me, and the Board of Global Alliance there could be nothing more important, or more honourable than defending the truth.

I encourage each and every one of you, to take note throughout this forum, of what you are going to do differently, as a result of what you see, hear and learn, when you return to your own countries, communities and villages.

This way, our Forum won’t just be an exciting gathering of like-minded people, but a launchpad for concrete action.

There is obviously also a bigger picture here, and Global Alliance advocates for the highest Ethical standards.

Our members are bound by our Global Code of Ethics and the Principles for the Ethical and Responsible use of AI, leading the profession into the future.

Now, AI won’t take jobs. People who don’t know how to use it, will lose jobs.

AI will never know what it’s like to buy a house, have a family grow up in that house, then lose that house to a natural disaster. The future of artificial intelligence is emotional intelligence.

As you’re aware, Global Alliance is currently locked in continuing dialogue with the United Nations who we met in New York, pressing the case for an 18th Sustainable Development Goal, centred on Responsible Communication.

Last Thursday, we presented Responsible Communication to your own Association of South East Asian Nations, Secretary-General.

And at Global Alliance, we won’t stop there!

We are also engaging with the African Union, World Health Organisation, European Commission, Southern Common Market, World Bank and national governments.

However, we rely on all of you here today, to maintain this momentum, and contribute as champions of truth and the fearless defenders of facts! So today here in Bali, we invite you and all these organisations to be part of the ‘World Commission on Ethical and Responsible Communication,’ lead by Global Alliance.

So, my main message to all of you – please, please join me and your colleagues from around the world in championing ‘facts over fiction.’

In short, step up and lead.

Be a trusted source of information.

Help educate others on the importance of trust, a most precious and fragile commodity, that can take so long to build, yet be lost so easily.

And never underestimate the impact you have, or the privilege of working in this great profession, that brings with it Responsibility.

Remember Responsible Communication starts with Responsible People. So go, play your part!


Your words…Your words have the power to make history…

But today, you don’t speak with words.

You speak with your Actions

and Today…..You, Indonesia, Asia are making global history!


Have an amazing conference and most importantly be kind, Enjoy, and have Lots of Fun.

Thank you very much,

Prof. Justin Green

Hon. Life Fellow APRA, Hon. Life Fellow PRSK, Life Fellow PRII, Hon. Life Fellow ABERJE, Hon. Life Fellow ASEAN, Hon. Life Fellow PRGC, Hon. Life Fellow EIC, Hon. Life Fellow SCCECRL, Hon. Life Fellow APCE, Hon. Life Fellow PIC, Hon. Life Fellow TPRA, Hon. Life Fellow FERPI, Hon. Life Fellow ARPPR, Hon. Life Fellow PERHUMAS, Hon. Life Fellow IPRM, Hon. Life Fellow VNPR, Hon. Life Fellow PRSP, Hon. Life Fellow ZIPRC, Hon. Excellence PF & SCoRe, Hon. Excellence TMPR, Hon. Life Fellow BPRA, Hon. Life Fellow NIPR, Hon. Life Fellow USMP, Hon. Life Fellow PRISA, Hon. Life Fellow PRST.

President & CEO, Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management