Global Alliance seeks membership candidates for Executive Board
As the Global Alliance enters its 25th year of service to the international public relations and communication management profession, we extend an open invitation to all our member organizations to nominate senior leaders to represent their membership organization by becoming a nomination candidate for Global Alliance Executive Board.
You may submit a nomination by identifying a potential leader from your member organization or region who meets the eligibility requirements given below and has both the skill and the passion to move forward and support our profession.
Candidates for the following positions on the Global Alliance Executive Board are to be elected at the 2025 Global Alliance Annual General Meeting to be scheduled.
Nominations for the following positions must come from a Global Alliance member in good standing:
- President (1) for a two-year term to 30th June 2027;
- Vice-President (1) for a two-year term to 30th June 2027;
- Secretary (1) for a two-year term to 30th June 2027;
- Delegate-at-Large (3) representing a National Association for a two-year term to 30th June 2027;
- Delegate-at-Large (3) representing Academic/ Research for a two-year term to 30th June 2027;
- Delegate-at-Large (3) representing any of the membership categories (National, International, Regional, Specialty, Academic, Education, Training, Research or Professional Organisation for a two-year term to 30th June 2027;
- Regional Delegates-at-Large (12) for a one-year term to 30th June 2026; these regional positions are designed to facilitate representation of continents, specific regions, or sectors within the communication industry.
All nominations must have the support of the candidate’s Global Alliance member organization.
The director position on the Global Alliance Executive Board is held as a partnership between the appointed director and their nomination organization. Once elected, the director will serve as a member of the board with their primary fiduciary duty to the entire Global Alliance membership.
Should appointee for whatever reason leave the Board, it should not be automatically assumed that the position will be filled by a nominee from the same organization.
The Executive Board may fill any vacancy between annual general meetings as per the Global Alliance Bylaws.
Please note that some incumbents may be eligible for re-election.
Nominations/applications by a member in good standing, in the form of a two-page summary outline or narrative of qualifications, along with a portrait photograph. These materials must be submitted to the Global Alliance Nominations Committee Chairperson, via the Global Alliance General Secretariat (
Interested individuals are encouraged to contact the Nominations Chairperson or CAO for further guidance.
Individuals may seek election to any position; however, the Committee reserves the right, after discussion with candidates, to recommend individuals for different positions as circumstances dictate.
Nominations may/will be required to supply additional information, professional endorsements and undertake an interview process.
To be eligible, a candidate must be:
- A senior public relations/communication management professional; member in good standing and/or senior executive of a Global Alliance member; with a strong network in the industry and/or academia.
- Be proficient in business English as the Global Alliance’s working language.
- Supported by a nomination from their Global Alliance member organization.
- To promote Global Alliance globally by recruiting at least two new members by December 2025.
- To undertake and secure partnerships and sponsorship initiatives including funding.
-To participate in up to twelve web calls per year (every first Tuesday of the month at 12:00 GMT Lisbon/London Time) and attend in person at two Global Alliance meetings per year (Executive Board meeting and the Annual General Meeting).
- To participate in the World Public Relations Forum.
- To accept assignments and make significant contribution to a hard-working Board.
-To promote the Global Alliance within his/her region, including WPRF, World Public Relations and Communication Awards, Global Alliance Focused Months and making invitations to potential partners and sponsors.
- To lead projects on behalf of Global Alliance to enhance the public relations profession worldwide.
- Be well-versed in Global Alliance objectives and supportive of its broad goals.
- Be able to work in a highly diverse, multicultural environment.
- Be self-funding (or secure financial support).
- Have access to additional resources to lay at the disposal of the Global Alliance, for example, financial, research capability and sponsorship.
- Be able to add value beyond their individual contribution.
Please note the deadline for submitting a completed nomination/application is 17:00hrs GMT on 16th January 2025.
The appointed Nominations Committee have the authority to amend the above nomination terms and process without notice subject to the approval of Global Alliance Executive Board.
2025 Nomination Committee appointed by Global Alliance Executive Board in compliance with Global Alliance’s Nomination Committee Policy and Bylaws are:
Chair: Amith Prabhu – PRomise Foundation – India (Middle East-South Asia)
Philip T. Bonaventura – Public Relations Society of America – USA (North America)
Pamela Yin Xiadong – Public Relations Global Communications/ 17.PR – China (Asia Pacific)
Boy Kelana Soebroto – PERHUMAS – Indonesia Public Relations Association – Indonesia (Asia Pacific)
On behalf of Global Alliance Executive Board, I would like to encourage all candidates to seek nomination and wish you our very best wishes.
Yours Sincerely,
Amith Prabhu
Chair of the Nomination Committee
Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management