Watch the webinar: Committed Europe - A Successful Case Study of CSR Communication hosted by COM-ENT

Watch the webinar: Committed Europe - A Successful Case Study of CSR Communication hosted by COM-ENT

The COM-ENT inter delegation hosted a webinar highlighting renowned experts from the world of responsible communication and sustainable development.

This webinar was hosted by Silvia Arto (Global Head of Functions Communications and Technology & Operational Performance - BNP Paribas and Global Vice President and Chair of the European Regional Council- Global Alliance) on 13  December 2023.

Speakers :

• Kia Haring, SVP, Communications, Public Affairs & Sustainability - VR Group, shared insights from the Global Alliance Awards' first CSR communication campaign.

• Jose Manuel Velasco, Member of the board - Global Alliance and Leader of the Executive Communication Coaching Area - Llorente & Cuenca, addressed the appeal to United Nations to integrate "responsible communication" as a key objective of the sustainable development

• Finally, Sylvie Dubois, Head of Responsible Communications Policy Head of Responsible Communications Policy - BNP Paribas, exposed the business positioning strategy in this crucial domain.

Watch the webinar here: