Join the free Webinar: Communication dilemmas in the era of AI
Date & Time: Thursday 29 February 2024 at 14-15 HRS GMT
A year ago AI was something only a few communicators were familiar with. But with the launch of ChatGBT AI has become a key topic for professional communicators. AI can definitely be of great help for news media and communication teams, but it also raises a number of ethical questions. In this webinar we wish to discuss the dilemmas that we foresee news media and professional communicators will be confronted with in the years to come.
Following topics will be covered during the session:
Can we trust AI and will AI help us in building trust?
Will AI help us in strengthening transparency or will it reduce transparency?
Who owns content and how do you protect news media and professional communicators rights and protect companies’ reputation, when you use AI?
Will AI increase or reduce bias in communication?
What can you do as a communicator to learn to use AI and at the same time balance the ethical dilemmas?
Stine Bjerre Herdel
Stine Bjerre Herdel is the management editor at Mandag Morgen and has worked with management, digital media development and business development for a number of years. Among other things, Stine has immersed herself in AI development and the impact it has on management and organisation. This includes competence development, business strategy, ethics and security.
Jonas Bladt Hansen
Jonas Bladt Hansen is board member of K1 and the founder of the consultancy Next Level IC and the community Next Levelers. He has been working within the field of corporate and digital communications in some of Denmark’s renowned companies such as Danish Rail, Arla Foods and Danske Bank. During the last five years he has been focusing on the impact of AI on leadership and on how Generative will change Corporate Communication.
Anders Schroll
Anders Schroll is board member of K1 and work as an independent leadership and communication advisor, where he helps organizations execute strategies successfully, build trust and support among key stakeholders and drive the communication effort to create sustainable value. Based on 25-years hands-on experience, he is used to navigate in a highly complex, global and regulated environment. During his career he has built expertise in a broad range of communication and public affairs disciplines and gained full-circle transformation experience ranging from company turn around, M&As, CEO transitions, global expansion, growth and innovation strategies.